Well, we’re just a couple of days away from Christmas and I’m looking forward to my first traditional Finnish Christmas. After several years in China and a distinct lack of Christmassy stuff, I’ve immersed myself in all that Helsinki has to offer.
Helsinki Tea Tasting - Pu'er
In a land of coffee drinkers, how happy was I to come across a newly created Meetup group – Helsinki Tea Tasting. Last Sunday I joined four other tea enthusiasts for some Sheng Pu’er tea tasting kindly hosted by Tarmo. We tasted four from his Sheng Pu’er collection before I reached my tea drunk limit.
Farewell Shanghai Tea Market
This summer, after 6 and a half years living in Shanghai, I left China for Finland. From the birth place of tea to a nation obsessed with coffee… in fact the Finns are the largest consumers of coffee per capita on the planet. So, number one on my ‘must do before I leave’ list was a final trip to Shanghai’s Tianshan Tea Market.
China's National Tea Museum, Hangzhou
Yixing teapots, part 2: a master at work and a teapot buying guide
A few years ago I did a pottery workshop and made possibly the ugliest, most useless tea pot in the history of all teapots. However it’s still part of my collection, and serves as a reminder of the amazing skill and years of dedicated practice that goes into making a beautiful pot. So of course I was very interested to see a master in action in Yixing. We visited Ding Shu Zhen, a small village and the original home of Yixing tea pots, which still houses many small scale pottery workshops.
Yixing teapots, part 1: teapot styles and old masters
As well as drinking tea, I also love teapots. Yixing in Jiangsu province is home to the famous Zi Sha (purple clay) teapot, and only a short train ride from Shanghai. So it would be rude not to! All I knew of Yixing’s famous pots were the purple-red smooth round teapots. On my weekend in Yixing, along with my trusty tea adventurer Jasmine, I discovered a vast array of weird and wonderful Yixing tea pot styles.
Tie Guan Yin: Tea Processing
Tie Guan Yin: a Trip to Anxi
Tie Guan Yin, 铁观音, Iron Goddess of Mercy, or just plain old Iron Goddess. Probably the most popular oolong in China. And quite right too. In a quest to find out more about this famous oolong, my friend, Jasmine, and I set off one October weekend to the source of Tie Guan Yin - Anxi in Fujian province.